Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Good Morning Yesterday

Mr Peter Chan has just guest blogged about Tiong Bahru at the "Good Morning Yesterday" blog.

(Good Morning Yesterday blog is a finalist in the Best Individual Blog category of S'pore Blog Award and the creator of that blog is Mr Lam Chun See.)

He recalls the many stories his grandfather told him about Tiong Bahru while he was growing up at the Pre-War Tiong Bahru section.

Mr Chan also included some very valuable pictures of Old Tiong Bahru as well as a 1963 map of Tiong Bahru!

Eng Hoon Street was also mentioned in his post and I never knew that street was used by the retreating Aussie and Indians soldiers during WWII.

That street was later used by the Japanese as part of the "SOOK CHING" operation.

On the lighter side, Mr Chan also mentioned about a famous Teochew comedian he had for a neighbour.

Read all about it here at : Tiong Ma-Lu

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